B.O.M. Meeting March '24

The Board of Management of the school met on Wednesday 20th of March. Below is the agreed report from the meeting:

  1. The school calendar for 2024-25 was ratified and can be viewed below
  2. Disciplinary & Grievances Policy and Safety Helath and Welfare policies were updated and can be found on the website.
  3. The Board extends its thanks to the Parents' Association Committee for all its work since the beginning of the year.
  4. The Board sends its best wishes to our Rang 2 who made their First Holy Communion recently
  5. Solar Panels will be installed on the school over the Easter Break
  6. The Board wishes to send its condolences to the Leonard and Hernan families on the deaths of Brian and Maura who gave incredible service to the school over a long number of years as Chairperson and Principal respectively. Ár dheis Dé go raibh a n-anamacha.


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  • Calendar 24-25.jpg

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